Moving • Movement

It’s been three days after stepping foot on a plane to start a new chapter. Moving in the midst of a global pandemic takes the entire process in itself to a new level. The preparations were simple, or so we thought: G moved months before me and found a really nice flat for us, we packed a couple of suitcases and items for Bailey (we were not moving without him) and our most important documents (all red tape was taken care of) as we were convinced we would come back for Christmas in just a couple of weeks; little did we know the world would change even more due to Covid.

I knew where we would live, I lived in the State before for five years in the South though and am hoping I will like the North just as much; it is California after all. Due to Covid furniture deliveries are delayed, there are so many people with masks as we are living right in the city (we lived in a very small town in Germany, where one can see the Alps, there are lots of green fields wherever the eye wanders just like in the movie “The Sound of Music”), shelves in super markets are empty, long lines in front of grocery lines (people pushing and shoving – hardly anyone adhering to a 6ft distance, everyone trying to get some sort of food) meaning an almost empty flat in every meaning. I am here, but am I really? My body is, the rest however what feels like stuck somewhere above the ocean. I am moving as in walking, going forward though? Feels more like backward just like Momo in the movie which happens to be one of my favourite movies. Momo has Cassiopeia on her side, I have G and Bailey.

While thinking about it I feel like I have experienced something similar after loosing my mum and only a few years later my dad.  I tackled hours first then half days then full days one step at a time, tiny steps / baby steps / any step forward, not side ways like the true cancer that I am, forward and through it even if it means inching (noticing I am already using the American measure, which does put a smile on my face today).



„Yes what currently goes on is tough, and staying home might be rough.
However maybe this is exactly what we need, let me help you get up to speed:
Get that book from the shelf you always wanted to read, make your very own mala bead by bead.
Pick up the phone and call your friends, or speak to someone and make amends.
Write in a journal or possibly a letter, afterwards you might just feel a little bit better.
Clean out your closet or sort through your shoes, that might help to hopefully shake the blues.
Learn a new language or playing the guitar, better times are not too far.
Work out, do yoga or train your mind, be nice to yourself and also be kind.
Become friends with yourself and tune into your soul, you might just realise your life’s new goals.

Stay positive and most importantly stay home!


feste Stunde im Lumines Yoga

Freue mich sehr über eine weitere Möglichkeit Yoga zu unterrichten. Ab 10. Oktober unterrichte ich eine feste Stunde im wunderschönen Lumines Yoga in Kronberg: Donnerstags von 8:30 bis 9:30 Uhr :-).

Sparkling Start 2019

Herzlichen Dank an alle, die den Sonntagvormittag mit mir geteilt haben und den ⭐Sparkling Start 2019⭐ zu einem so besonderen Ereignis gemacht haben. Es war wunderschön mit euch. Das machen wir in 2020 wieder

Thank you

I have to write this one in English. Both my yoga teacher trainings were in English and it feels like even more coming from my heart. Thank you to each and every student who has practiced yoga with me so far.
It does not come natural to me to be in front of a group and in school I was afraid to even read aloud. I look forward to meeting many more students.

Thank you to every teacher whom I have learned and continue to learn from. Thank you to the people who have helped me in my beginnings, who convinced me that I can do it (a huge thank you goes out to Sibylle Dallmann who opened the very first yogastudio in Peißenberg, Bavaria and told me that I should give becoming a yoga teacher a go). Thank you to Sabine Gehring with whom I have taught workshops. Mrs Peissenbuch I thank you for the ever so amazing possiblity to have my own yoga room in your residence. Your kindness fills my heart. Thank you so much to Melanie S. and Manuela K. for the adventure of our very own yoga studio. What a wonderful experience.

Another huge thank you goes out to Sanne Eichinger whom I assist during her retreats in Bad Kohlgrub as well as master classes. A thank you which can not be expressed in words goes out to Sabine Wieser. You are the kindest soul on this planet and I consider myself incredibly lucky to know you. I will always be grateful for your giving me the possibility to assist you in so many classes for several years and that you guided me to ISHTA which is helping me every day how to be more me.

Mr. G, Marina R. and my family: you are my world. Thank you for your believing in me.

Yoga in Bad Homburg

feste reguläre Yogastunden in Bad Homburg
 Dienstags, 19:45 bis 20:45 Uhr
Mittwochs, 19:45 bis 20:45 Uhr (FY*)
Sonntags, 10:00 bis 11:15 Uhr (24.03; weitere Daten werden zeitnah bekannt gegeben)

Wo? Im karmaworks yoga & more

  • *FY = Firmenyoga